Feelin' fruity

Breakfast is considered an important meal because it breaks the overnight fasting period, replenishes your supply of GLUCOSE (that’s carbs people) and provides other essential nutrients to keep your energy levels up throughout the day.
Glucose is the body’s energy source broken down and absorbed from the carbs we eat. In the morning, after you have gone without food for as long as 12 hours, your glycogen stores are low as a result of the slowly releasing glucose that has occurred over night to keep your blood sugar levels stable.  Once all of the energy from the glycogen stores is used up, your body starts to break down fatty acids to produce the energy it needs. Without carbohydrate, fatty acids are only partially oxidised, which can cause reduced energy levels. Eating fruit for breakfast restores your glycogen stores and boosts your energy levels, as well as your metabolism

First thing in the morning your body does the heaviest detoxification, so eating purely fruit for breakfast allows for less energy to be used trying to digest heavy foods and more energy used for necessary detoxification, not only this, but fruit gently wakes your metabolism and hydrates your body after hours of ‘fasting’ during sleep which is extremely dehydrating.

The fibres in fruit cleans the colon leaving you feeling light but full of energy and ready to go for the day as the natural sugars in fruit keep the brain sharp and alert. (Given you are eating enough fruit for a substantial meal)
A lot of people think purely just fruit wont fill them up and get them through the morning, correct, it won’t, and it also won’t provide you with all of the nutrients you need, given you aren’t eating enough of it! Fruit can keep me going for hours into the morning at work before I even think about a snack or lunch, and that whole time I’m energised, my mind is clear and alert and I’m able to be more productive, not to mention the fact that I’ve already gotten in a morning workout before work too!
As long as you eat enough fruit you will not get hungry or feel deprived!


-          6-10 medium/large frozen bananas (peel and chop before freezing!)

-          2 cups frozen blueberries

-          Small splash of coconut or filtered water (just to get the blender going)
I always start off with a few bananas first and a tiny, tiny bit of water just to ease the blender into it, we don’t want to overheat or break the blades!
Simply PULSE blend ingredients together in a blender! (add water gradually if required, some high powered blenders may not require water at all, less water gives it greater ice-cream like texture)

Tip: cut up medjool dates on top or blended through taste great too!

That’s all.. how easy is that, there is no lazy or ‘no time’ excuse, and even so, your health should be up there with one of  your number 1 priorities. Seriously no time.. Spare 10 seconds to walk past the fruit bowl and grab a bunch of bananas or grab 15 dates, eat those in the car or at your desk and see how hungry and tired you are after! (Obviously this may not be a very appealing breakfast to some, but seriously, no time? How important is your health to you?)

Oh and here’s a little fact from once again.. Essena O’Neil (www.essena.com.au) what can I say this girl just gets me!

-          Caffeine is a stimulant of the neurotransmitter serotonin; the hormone that controls our sleep, mood and appetite.
When our body depends too heavily on things such as caffeine to control serotonin production and energy, this impacts on the body’s natural ability to regulate serotonin production. This is the reason for possibly highs and lows experienced after coffee.

Not to mention the fact that it tricks you into thinking that you’re not hungry and hunger is yours bodies way of saying ‘hello, I’m lacking nutrients, feed me!’

We take caffeine (a drug!) that interferes with our hunger mechanism; we are therefore depriving our bodies of the stimulus it needs to function naturally.
We continue to drink coffee and further deprive our bodies of nutrients and cycle repeats again and again.

-           Nutruepod.com
Try and cut the morning coffee and replace it with fruit, it will wake your body up without putting it under any stress or shock from something as harsh as a coffee!

  Lil x



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