“ Decide what it is you want. Write that shit down. Make a fucking plan. And.. work on it. Every. Single. Day.”

So this week there has been a lot of thought about, without sounding too selfish, me, what I want and the type of person I want to be.

I’ve always, for as long as I can remember, had this fear of growing up and being unhappy, sadly it seems so easy to happen, I mean I know plenty of people that are stuck doing things that don’t allow them to live the life they really want. Mind you all of these thoughts occurred while sitting on bum all day behind a desk staring out the window at life and imaging all of the other great things I’d rather be out there doing and achieving. Often I feel as though my mind wonders far too much and maybe my dreams are too big and unrealistic.. until I snap myself out of it and start be self-centred, ARE YOU KIDDING LILY, WHAT IS STOPPING YOU, DO YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY?

The answer:  nothing and heck yeah I do!  

These are my dreams and right now I have a chance to make choices that will assist me in achieving my goals.  So finally I’ve thought, hey, just do it, simply just go out there in the world and start doing things that may scare you or cost you now but are going to make what you want happen and get you somewhere you want to be in the long run. Obviously it’s easier said than done and it’s bloody going to be harder than I think but WHY THE HELL NOT, sitting here doing nothing about it isn’t going to change anything so I may as well give it a shot.
This is my starting point, making this blog and being completely honest with myself and the rest of the world about who I am.

My future:  I wish to show people and teach people about the greatness and joy that nourishing yourself brings. I want to share the knowledge I have gained through my experiences and guide people on their own journeys to finding their own health and happiness

My dream:  Travel the world teaching others about the true treatment to disease and illnesses.. nutrition and the type of lifestyle we choose to live. I wish to show people that medications are not going to prevent illnesses from occurring, to avoid the continual growth in cases of cancers, heart and lung diseases (and the list goes on) across nations we need to teach, show and prove to the world that their health and what they feed their bodies with are more important than they think and how incredible and uplifting it is nourish your body with an abundance of fresh food.
Don't sit in a job you hate because you think you have to, take some risks, don't let anything get in your way, if you want to be successful you have to work your ass off, nothing is for free, we know that, that's why we go to work everyday, but wouldn't you rather go to work doing something you enjoy rather than you hate and dread, short term losses for long term gains, right?

Lil xx  

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